Page 324 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 324

    3  Yet Lord the blood which thou hast spilt
     Can make this rocky heart to melt;
     Thy blood can make me clean within;
     Thy blood can pardon all my sin.
    4  On this rich blood my faith is found,
     And on this hope I fix my ground;
     Soon shall I reach th’ eternal shore,
     Where doubts and fears prevail no more.
    390              g. M.
                 JT would if I could.
    1  | WOULD, but cannot sing;
      * I would, but cannot pray;
     For Satan meets me when I try,
       And frights my soul away.
    2  I would, but can’t repent,
       Though I endeavor oft;
     This stony heart can ne’er relent,
       Till Jesus makes it soft.
   3  I would, but cannot love,
       Though wooed by love divine;
     No arguments have power to move
       A soul so base as mine.
   4  I would, but cannot rest
       In God’s most holy will;
     I know what he appoints is best,
       Yet murmur at it still.
    5  0 could I but believe,
       Then all would easy be ;
     I would, but cannot:—Lord, relieve,
       Mv help must come from thee.
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