Page 328 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 328

      Sought thee wandering, set thee right,
      Turned thy darkness into light.
    <5 ‘Can a woman’s tender care
      Cease towards the child she bear ?
      Yes, she may forgetful be,
      Yet will I remember thee.
    4  ‘Mine is an unchanging love,
      Higher than the heights above;
      Deeper than the depths beneath,
      Free and faithful, strong as death.
    5  ‘Thou shalt see my glory soon ;
      When the work of grace is done;
      Partner of my throne shalt be ;
      Say, poor sinner, lov’st thou me?
    6  Lord it is my chief complaint,
      That my love’s so weak and faint;
      Yet I love thee, and adore;
      O for grace to love thee more !
    395               C. M.
                  Di vine fellowship.
    1  FROM all that’s mortal, all that’s vain*
      r And from this earthly clod,
      Arise, my soul, and strive to gain
        Sweet fellowship with God.
    2  Say, what is there beneath the skies,
        Wherever thou hast trod,
      Can suit thy wishes or thy joys,
        Like fellowship with God ?
    3  Not life, nor all the toys of art,
        Nor pleasure’s flowery road,
      Can to my soul such bliss impart,
        As fellowship with God.
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