Page 325 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 325
6 But if indeed I would,
Though I can nothing do,
Yet the desire is something good,
For which my praise is due.
7 By nature prone to ill,
Till thine appointed hour,
I was as destitute of will,
As now I am of power.
8 Wilt thou not crown at length
The w’ork thou hast begun,
And with a will afford me strength
In all thy ways to run ?
391 C. M.
The exercises of saints va rio us.
1 LT OW hard and rugged is the way,
II To some poor pilgrims’feet!
In all they do, or think, or say
They opposition meet.
2 Others again more smoothly go;
Secured from hurts and harms,
The Saviour leads them gently through.
Or bears them in his arms.
3 Faith and repentance all must find,
But yet, we daily see
They differ in their time and kind,
Duration, and degree.
4 Some long repent and late believe ;
But, when their sin’s forgiven,
A clearer passport they receive,
And walk with joy to heaven.
15 Their pardon some receive at first,
And then compelled to fight,