Page 332 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 332
And advances us into his throne,
Where in pleasures we '11 reign,
And our freedom shall remain,
When our Jesus and we are both one.
7 Our souls will be pleased
With those rivers and seas,
While we bathe in this fountain of love:
No affliction conies there,
No, nor grief shall interfere,
And none can our freedom remove.
399 P. M.
Unto you is born a Saviour.
1 LI itlier, ye faithful, haste with songs of
A 1 triumph,
To Bethlehem haste, the Lord of Life to
To you this day is born a Prince and Saviour ;
O come, and let us worship at his feet.
2 Jesus, for such wondrous condescension,
Our praises and reverence are an offering
Now is the Word made flesh and dwells
among us;
O come, and let us worship at his feet.
3 Shout his almighty name, ye choir of angels
Let the celestial courts his praise repeat !
Unto our God be glory in the highest!
O come, and let us worship at his feet.
400 C. M.
Ye believe in Goil, believe also in me.
1 ET not your hearts within you grieve,
L My dear beloved friends ;