Page 344 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 344
3 As vain was the decree
Which charged them not to pray,
Daniel still bowed the knee,
And worshipped thrice a day;
Trusting in God, he feared not men,
Though threatened with the lion’s den,
4 Secure, they might refuse
Compliance with such laws;
For what had they to lose,
When God espoused their cause?
He made the hungry lions crouch,
Nor durst the fire his children touch.
t The Lord is still the same,
A mighty shield and tower;
And they who trust his name,
Are guarded by his power.
He can the rage of lions tame,
And bear them harmless through the flamel
6 Yet we too often shrink,
When trials are in view,
Expecting we must sink,
And never can get through:
But could we once believe indeed,
From all these fears we should be freed.
415 L. M.
Feed my lambs.
1 XX/HEN Christ, the Lord, was here below
’ ’ About the work he came to do.
Before he left his little band,
He gave to them his great command.
2 To fishing Peter led the way,
But nothing caught till break of day: