Page 343 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 343
‘The world shall hear and know her doom,
The separation now is come.’
6 Behold the righteous marching home,
And all the angels bid them come ;
While Christ, the judge, with joy proclaims,
‘Here come my saints, I’ll own their names.
6 ‘Ye everlasting doors, fly wide,
Make ready to receive my bride ;
Ye trumps of heaven, proclaim abroad,
Here comes the purchase of my blood.’
7 In grandeur see the royal line,
In glittering robes the sun outshine ;
See saints and angels join in one,
And march in splendor to the throne.
8 They stand, and wonder, and look on ;
They join in one eternal song,
Their great Redeemer to admire,
While raptures set their souls on fire.
414 6, 8. Lenox.
This is the victory, even our faith.
1 C UPPORTED by thy word,
O Though in himself a worm,
The servant of the Lord
Can wondrous acts perform.
Without dismay he boldly treads
Where’er the path of duty leads.
2 The haughty king in vain,
With fury on his brow,
Believers would constrain
To golden gods to bow.
The furnace could not make them fear,
Because they knew the Lord was near.