Page 338 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 338

hope; and encouragejmejnt.
      Afflictions make us learn thy will,
        And live upon our God.
    2  This is the comfort we enjoy
        When new distress begins:
      We read thy word, we run thy way,
        And hate our former sins.
    3  Thy judgments, Lord, are always right,
        Though they may seem severe ;
      The sharpest sufferings we endure,
        Flow from thy faithful care.
    4  Before we knew thy chast’ning rod,
        Our feet were apt to stray ;
      But now we learn to keep thy word,
        Nor wander from thy way.
    408                L. M.
               Despair prevented by faith.
    1  I ORD, did’st thou die, but not for me?
      L, Am I forbid to trust thy blood ?
      Is not thy mercy rich and free,
       Sealed in the kind, atoning flood?
    2  Who then shall drive my trembling soul
        From thee, to regions of despair?
      Who has surveyed the sacred roll,
        And found my name not written there?
    3  Presumptuous thought, to fix the bound,
       To limit mercy’s sovereign reign!
     What other happy souls have found,
       I’ll seek, nor shall I seek in vain !
    4  Lord, at thy feet I’ll cast me down ;
       To thee reveal my guilt and fear,
      And if thou spurn me from thy throne.
       I’ll be the first who perished there
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