Page 286 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 286
6 Till then I would thy love proclaim
With every fleeting breath ;
And may the music of thy name
Refresh my soul in death.
340 L. M.
The power of God encouraging prayer.
1 | EHOVAH is a god of might,
J He framed the earth, he built the sky;
And what he speaks is surely right;
'The strength of Israel will not lie.’
2 Ye weary souls, with sin oppressed,
To him in every trouble fly ;
His promise is, I’ll give you rest
‘The strength of Israel will not lie.’
3 Then why sink down beneath despair ?
To Jesus’ throne of grace apply ;
His promise plead, he’ll hear your prayer,
‘The strength of Israel will not lie.’
4 Ask what you will in Jesus’ name,
He never will your suit deny :
To save you from distress he came ;
‘The strength of Israel will not lie.’
5 Behold, I come, most gracious Hord,
And on thy promise now rely ;
In my distress how sweet this word :
‘The strength of Israel will not lie I’
341 7s.
C hr int all in all.
1 LJOLY Jesus, lovely Lamb,
n Thine, and only thine I am ;