Page 287 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 287
Take my body, spirit, soul,
Only thou possess the whole.
2 Thou my dearest object be,
Let me ever cleave to thee;
Let me choose the better part,
Let me give thet all my heart.
3 Whom have I on earth below ?
Only thee I wish to know ;
Whom have I in heaven but thee ?
Thou art all in all to me.
4 All my treasure is above ;
My best portion is thy love ;
Who the worth of love can tell,
Infinite, unsearchable ?
6 Nothing else may I require,
Let me thee alone desire ;
Pleased with what thy love provides,
Weaned from all the world besides.
342 S. M.
God all in all.
1 /VA Y God, my life, my love,
1 V V To thee, to thee I call;
I cannot live if thou remove,
For thou art all in all.
2 The smilings of thy face,
How amiable they are !
’Tis heaven to rest in thine embrace
And nowhere else but there.
3 Not all the harps above
Can make a heavenly place
If God his residence remove,
Or but conceal his face.