Page 284 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 284
4 Then to his saints I often spoke
Of what his love had done ;
But now my heart is almost broke,
For all my joys are gone.
5 Now when the evening shade prevails
My soul in darkness mourns ;
And when the morn the light reveals,
No light to me returns.
6 My prayers are now a chattering noise,
For Jesus hides his face ;
I read—the promise meets my eyes,
But will not reach my case.
7 Now Satan threatens to prevail,
And make my soul his prey ;
Yet, Lord, thy mercy cannot fail;
O come, without delay !
338 C. M.
Christ the good Shepherd.
1 DEHOLD the Shepherd’s tender care
D Towards the sheep that strays !
Throughout the desert waste and bare
He tracks its wandering ways.
2 So Jesus, while he sojourned here,
Amidst the waste of sin,
’Tis said he travelled far and near,
And sought his sheep therein.
3 To save from everlasting woe
An object of his care,
Behold him through Samaria go 1
A sheep had wandered there.
4 Though she insults him to his face
It mattered not to him,