Page 282 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 282
That I never, never more,
May from my dear Saviour part,
To the posts of mercy’s door
0 bind my wandering heart.
4 See my utter helplessness,
And leave me not alone :
O preserve in perfect peace,
And seal me for thine own.
More and more thyself reveal,
Thy presence let me always find j
Comfort, and confirm, and heal
My feeble, sin-sick mind.
5 As an apple of the eve,
Thy weakest servant keep ;
Help me at thy feet to lie,
And there for ever wait.
Tears of joy mine eyes o’erflow,
That I have any hope of heaven ;
Much of love I ought to know,
For I have much forgiven.
336 C. M.
Inward religion.
1 D ELIGION is the chief concern
Of mortals here below ;
May I its great importance learn,
Its sovereign virtue know.
2 More needful this than glittering wealth,
Or aught the world bestows ;
Not reputation, food, or health
Could give us such repose.
3 Religion should our thoughts engage,
Amidst our youthful bloom :