Page 303 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 303
365 7s.
Seeking the Shepherd’s flock.
1 'T'ELL me, Saviour, from above,
1 Dearest object of my love,
Where thy little flock abide,
Sheltered near thy bleeding side.
2 Tell me, Shepherd, all divine,
Where I may my soul recline;
Where for refuge shall I fly,
While the burning sun is high.
3 Wilt thou let me run astray,
Mourning, grieving all the day?
Wilt thou bear to see me rove,
Seeking base and mortal love?
4 Never had I sought thy name,
Never felt the inward flame,
Had not love first touched my heart
With the painful, pleasing smart.
5 Didst thou leave thy glorious throne ;
Put a mortal raiment on ;
On the tree a victim die,
For a wretch so vile as I ?
6 Turn and claim me as thine own ;
Be my portion, Lord, alone;
Deign to hear a sinner’s call;
Be my everlasting all.
366 C. M.
Praying for renewing grace.
1 | T OW helpless guilty nature lies,
1 A Unconscious of its load ;
The heart unchanged can never rise
To happiness and God.